What's been achieved in our third year?
- We raised over £15,250 for Projects with 100% of moneys raised going to the Projects, not on running the charity
- We reclaimed £512 of Gift Aid
- The NEW PROJECT -Community outreach – supporting local initiatives into poverty situations
Winter Heating
Purchase of either wood or gas for heating households during the coldest months of the year (Find out more). We now have 2 Local Partners regularly requesting wood for people they meet in Tetovo/Giostivar and Skopje. Last winter was particularly difficult as it was not only cold but there was the isolation of lockdown and lack of employment causing further hardship through evictions.
- The equivalent of 117 months of heat purchased
- Warming 42 households
- 12 stoves were purchased for households with no wood burning facilities
Food Parcels
Purchase of food and household cleaning groceries (Find out more)
- The equivalent of 42 food parcels
- Feeding 13 households
Community Outreach
This new project (Find out more) has been very encouraging to us as the different projects seem to be having a positive effect on the communities. Our support ony started in February 2023
The picture shows a house built by the Project Leader for a family that had been living in a makeshift shack
- Supporting 6 families with 12 food parcels
- A stove and cooker for 2 families
- 2 metres of of wood were shared between 3 households
- 3 families with a food parcel each
- 1 household with 2 metres of wood
- 6 families with 7 food parcels
Shutka Food Garden
Since this project was handed over to the Roma there had been some difficulties and the non-traditional growing methods had been removed. The pentecostal church that owned the land had taken over responsibility for the garden in February to see if they could make it work. A Roma man has been charged with managing it.
Wellbeing and personal development courses
We fully funded these sessions that participants continue to report a sense of encouragement after the group sessions
- 9 men attended 8 sessions this year